Rule High School Sunday

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Moderators: Bill Burchfield '59, GinaGaller1978

Rule High School Sunday

Postby BATowe » Sun Oct 19, 2008 4:27 pm

Beaumont Avenue Baptist Church will be hosting Rule High School Sunday on November 9th!
This event will take place during the morning service. Speakers will include former Rule High
School alumni: D. M. Miller (1961) Charles O'Dell (1965) and Gene Akers (1958). Everyone is
welcome! Please call 865.523.1488 for further details or simply reply to this post.
Bobby Towe 82
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Re: Rule High School Sunday

Postby rcpresl » Sun Oct 19, 2008 8:05 pm

Sure would like to be there for that service. I lived just down the hill on the corner of Booker and Brookside. I just called one of my sisters who lives over on Broadway. She'll be there, and she'll tell everyone at Shoney's on the first Monday in November.
Ray Presley 57
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Re: Rule High School Sunday

Postby slee » Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:33 pm

I'll be there if I'm not hunting any places on that date. I live close to the church
Sammy Lee 1970
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