Oil prices

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Oil prices

Postby Bob » Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:11 pm

I can't believe no one has anything to say about the current gas / oil price situation. If you live outside of Knoxville, what's the price of gas where you are ?
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Re: Oil prices

Postby raymond1951 » Sat Jul 26, 2008 4:06 pm

I went to T. Boone Pickens' site , pickensplan.com and he's pushing wind and natural gas as our saviors . I think giving the oil companies competition with ethanol would be the most logical answer , as a stepping stone to hydrogen .
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Re: Oil prices

Postby rcpresl » Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:51 pm

Maybe others had the same experience as I had yesterday. I tried to reply to your post, but kept having problems. If it were just gas prices, it wouldn't be so bad. It's amazing how many products are made from oil, and practically all industries depend on oil in one way or another for their products. I use the highest octane in my car and it's running about $4.05/gal here in Hanover, PA. Regular gas runs about 15 cents less, but it's still high.
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Re: Oil prices

Postby Bob » Mon Jul 28, 2008 4:29 pm

That's one of the reasons I am having to completely re-do the site. The present format is a little volatile and causes sporadic problems. However, I log in the same way as everyone else and I have never had any problem posting. Maybe I just hit it at the right times. Who knows.
I am about 50% through redoing the site in a new format. May not have a few of the fancy headers at first but hopefully it will get rid of any other problems.
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Re: Oil prices

Postby rcpresl » Thu Aug 07, 2008 11:15 am

Don't know how it is down in Knoxville, but I'm seeing an awful lot of pick-up trucks and SUVs sitting on the curb with FOR SALE signs attached up here in Pennsylvania. We have lots of people riding bikes to work and to shop, and several have bought the 50 CC Moped type scooters to get around. These are all good signs that Americans have started to adapt to the high prices of oil, and the car manufacturers are retooling to make more of the small cars. Prices are also coming down. When the price for a barrel of crude drops below $117/barrel, they predict that computer-driven selling on Wall St. will drive the prices even lower. I'm hoping that the trend toward driving less, riding the bus more and generally being less dependent on oil will continue. I wonder what it would take to cause us to really cut back on use of oil-based products, e.g, taking totes or personal pokes to the grocery store rather than using plastic bags.
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Re: Oil prices

Postby raymond1951 » Tue Sep 09, 2008 2:59 pm

Wouldn't it be nice if the price of gasoline dropped as fast as the price of oil wen't up ? I've got a feeling that the price will shoot up again , if the right person gets elected !
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Re: Oil prices

Postby ejay mongooz7* » Thu Sep 25, 2008 7:26 pm

:idea: Amayzing how every employee [color=#008000]Payweek,Laborday,Memorialday[/color] etc.prices seem 2 go up Hmmmmm. But I'm not in charge so.. .
John Claiborne 82
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Re: Oil prices

Postby rcpresl » Mon Sep 29, 2008 2:14 pm

EJ, You're probably too young to remember the old adage about a person not really having to do anything except dying and paying taxes. Well, today you have that to worry about, plus the price of gas and the economy itself falling through a deep hole! Some people also worry about getting old. As for myself, I would worry about NOT getting old.
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Re: Oil prices

Postby slee » Fri Oct 17, 2008 9:03 am

Seem like the gas is coming down again but after this election it might go up again.
As long as it stay under $3.00 a gal. I'll be O.K.
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