Curtis Fowler

Information on illness of fellow Rulers

Moderators: Bill Burchfield '59, GinaGaller1978

Curtis Fowler

Postby Bob » Fri Aug 26, 2011 11:01 am

Curtis Fowler, coached at Rule High in the 70's, is gravely ill and not expected to live but a few more days according to his son, Larry Fowler. Today is August 26, 2011 and will try to keep us all updated as things progress, he is at home under hospice care and with his immediate family. Please remember this family in your prayers and support since he was a big part of our growing up and setting great examples for our childhood.
Bob Grant '65, your friendly site administrator
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Re: Curtis Fowler

Postby slee » Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:08 am

i thought coach fowler coach in 63 and coach moore in the 70's
Sammy Lee 1970
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